
Looking Through . . . History's Gates

History’s Gates –
A Glance Poetic to Prove Prophetic

Behind the gates of history
Awaits eternal mystery,
For all we see betrays what’s real
And contradicts what we’d conceal.

We down a fifth to drown our ills
And for our pain, we swallow pills.
Our favor fades in years of shame
As we disguise or bury blame.

We fold our dirty hands to plead
For blessings to exceed our greed.
Lest we forget in our fatigue,
We’re surely way out of our league.

In lowest lands we spin the dials,
Just changing channels, shifting styles.
So blind are we to battles true,
As we our own daft dreams pursue.

The firmament, with fiercest flow,
It threatens to unfold, lay low.
Oblivious, we carry on -
With false assumptions yet foregone.

Above the valley, praises ring,
A million thankful on the wing –
The silence shattered by their song
To triumph over every wrong.

Behind the gates of history
Awaits eternal mystery,
When human eyes perceive what’s real,
As Maker chooses to reveal.
Copyrighted by Linda Ann Nickerson

Posted for a variety of prompts:
Easy Street Prompts (“behind the gates” and “history”)
Meme Express (“Friday Freedom”)
One Single Impression (“disguise”)
Saturday Scribes (“Lest We Forget,” league,” “hundred,” “valley” and “shattered”)
Simply Snickers (“fade,” “favor” and “fifth”)
Thursday Challenge (photo/s – “thankful”)
Wordless Wednesday – Everyday (photo/s)
Weekend Wordsmith (“dirty hands”)
Writer’s Island (“mystery” and "champion")

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.

Photo: Lion's Gate, Jerusalem
Public Domain - Wikipedia Commons


  1. Linda, this is a powerful write. I think there is a lot of truth wrung from your words. Well done. Have a nice day.

  2. History only ever tells part of the story.

  3. What an amazing journey through your words - really enjoyed this!

  4. Your words speak volumes and ring so true. That was such a great write.

  5. What a powerful poem. I loved how it flows so completely with good cadence and rhyme. Together with the photo it becomes almost epic in scope. What a great read, thanks for sharing it.
