
A Quirky Turkey

Happy Thanksgiving, all around.

A Quirky Turkey

A turkey, not scared in the least,
Stepped into the sun, silly beast.
He had not a clue
A foul wind blew,
Or he might his speed have increased.

Perhaps the prized fellow was schnooked.
He certainly ought to have looked.
One flip of his wing,
And farmer did swing.
One might say his goose had been cooked.

Old Tom waddled west and then east.
The fine feathered fowl was fleeced.
An axe flipped the bird,
Without a mere word,
And sent him inside for the feast.
c2012 by Linda Ann Nickerson

 As we celebrate Thanksgiving, remember: “bird is the word.”

Image/s:Thanksgiving Turkey
Public Domain/Copyright Expired

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  1. Whew! I was afraid the turkey was going to be killed and eaten! Glad he was just invited into the feast!
