
Of Mice and Mien – A poetic glance, perhaps askance

Of Mice and Mien – 
A poetic glance, perhaps askance  

 If your life story was a book, what would it be titled? What would its chapter titles be? 
(Imagination Prompt - Creativity Portal)

Of Mice and Mien

A hunk of cheese a mouse may catch,
Enticing him beyond his match.
Reward’s allure
May him assure
To meet the one who’ll him dispatch.

A gifted gamer, most intense
With interest in his own two cents
Might toss a chip,
Shoot from the hip,
To banish common sense from thence.

An easy mark with meek mien,
The jackpot seeker goes all-in.
He eyes the prize
With bleary eyes.
The trap is set in danger’s den.

Across the table, truth awaits
And watches folly, sans debates.
He holds his peace
With elbow grease,
The mouse to snare with fortune’s baits.

Occasionally, treasures rot
Like rich rewards intense, hard-fought.
A jumping joint
May disappoint
And bring a fouler food for thought.

The cheese ferments and casts a scent.
The mousey man, alas, poor gent --
The die was cast
To flabbergast,
And he must yet come up with rent.
c2014 by Linda Ann Nickerson

This poem incorporates these blog prompts:

“disappoint” – One-Minute Writer
“food for thought” – 52 Poetry
“interest” – Theme Thursday
 “gifted,” “intense,” and “rot” – Three Word Wednesday
Book title poetry – FPR Poetry Prompts
Life Story Book – Creativity Portal

Public domain / vintage clipart

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  1. Loved the imagery your words conjured.

  2. "Linda Ann Nickerson" has been included in the twelfth edition of our November Nudges series. Be assured that we hope this helps to send many new customers your way.

  3. a unique taste of things,,,
    love the dropping of your words.


  4. Dear poetic talents:

    How is your day?

    As years go by, our spirit and confidence speed up and rock very high…you know why?
    Because we promote poetry, free verse, random poems without consideration, we always give you the highest praise whenever you share a poem or two via your blog links through our blue inlinkz, simply post a poem in your blog, copy and paste your blog link to our inlinkz, skip the Facebook option, so that our participants can READ YOU!

    Please click on the link below to visit our poetry rally page today, cheers!

    roses are red,
    the sky is blue,
    candy is sweet,
    so are you….

    Hope to see all of you stand out like twitting birds.
    February 25, 2015

  5. very interesting.
