
Blowhard in the Yard

Visibly vying for vacancy? Not on this block.

Blowhard in the Yard

My neighbor’s demeanor’s like ice,
Give answers unkind, imprecise.
He’ll stop, stand, and stare
With nary a care,
And won’t take his own bad advice.

When pigs fly, he’ll pick up his trash.
He may even burn up his stash.
The scents from his deck
Bounce like a bad check,
So daily our teeth we do gnash.

And still, as he passes, I wave,
But hope he’ll go back in his cave.
He won’t be ignored,
For he’s on the board,
So all of us have to behave.
c2016 by Linda Ann Nickerson

This poem was posted in response to these prompts:

ABC Wednesday: Letter “V”
Mad Kane Humor: “ice” (limerick)
Meme Express: “when pigs fly”
One-Liner Wednesday: See subtitle.
Simply Snickers: “stand,” “stare” (or “stair”), “start”

Public domain image

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  1. hmmm not a poem which speaks of a loving person (that neighour) I hope he'll find it

    Have a nice ABC-day / – Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-team)

  2. We've all had the bad neighbor!

