
E is for Everybody Tells Me Everything

American poet Ogden Nash (1902-1971) is best remembered for his humorous, often sardonic, take on human life. His verse frequently contained occasional rhymes, often inserted without sticking to traditional poetic meters.

Everybody Tells Me Everything, by Ogden Nash

I find it very difficult to enthuse
over the current news.
Just when you think
that at least the outlook
is so black
that it can grow no blacker,
it worsens.

And that is why
I do not like the news,
because there has never been an era
when so many things
were going so right
for so many of the wrong persons.

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  1. Thanks for sharing this poem! I'm not quite so cynical about the news, but hey, freedom of expression is what this great country is about! ~ Angela, Whole Foods Living,

  2. The more times they didn't really change very much :)

    Thank you for the poem. It is very clear that there's so much changing!

    Greetings from the A to Z trail,
    Sylvia @ Playful Creative

  3. Another one of my favorite poems, and I do have to agree that the news is depressing! I tend to avoid TV news programs like the plague and choose to read headlines online so I can find wonderful news to read as well.

  4. Isn't that how at least 1/2 the country feels right now? Great poem. Thanks for sharing it:)
