
Zip dive and the final drive

Zooming from A to Z

The challenge is sealed with a kiss,
Each writer’s mind now an abyss.
No letters remain
The brain so to drain.
Today, A to Z we dismiss.

c2014 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Nickers and Ink: Poetry and Humor is participating in the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) again this year. 

Stop on back, so you don’t miss a single post!

Vintage/public domain clipart
Limericks and Whim-ericks artwork
created by this user on FlamingText

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page, as well as the Chicago Etiquette Examiner, Madison Holidays Examiner, Equestrian Examiner and Madison Equestrian Examiner on Facebook.


Yikes and yow and nearly ciao

You reek-a

“You reek-a,” she said with a groan.
“But that’s nothing new. Hold the phone.
Please put on your shoes.
I won’t blow a fuse.
But stop with the noxious cyclone.

“I’m not sure how long I can cope
With terrors of this broad a scope.
You want me to stay?
Then stop the decay.
Why don’t you invest in some soap?”

c2014 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Nickers and Ink: Poetry and Humor is participating in the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) again this year. Stop on back, so you don’t miss a single post!


Vintage/public domain clipart

Limericks and Whim-ericks artwork

created by this user on FlamingText

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page, as well as the Chicago Etiquette Examiner, Madison Holidays Examiner, Equestrian Examiner and Madison Equestrian Examiner on Facebook.


Extortion in small portions

Without eXcuse

A publisher’s due for exam.
It’s time to shed light on his scam.
You ask, “Does he dare?”
He’s full of hot air.
Look out, or he’ll go on the lam.

The trouble began with a pop.
But soon, fellow writers talked shop.
His ship sprang a leak,
Inciting our pique,
And caused the best wordsmiths to stop.

We’re guessing his fortune’s reversed.
Perhaps he cannot be coerced.
But writers disdain
And experts retain,
Expecting to be reimbursed.

c2014 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Nickers and Ink: Poetry and Humor is participating in the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) again this year. Stop on back, so you don’t miss a single post!


Man in Hot Air Balloon

Vintage/public domain clipart

Limericks and Whim-ericks artwork

created by this user on FlamingText

Feel free to follow on Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page on Facebook.


Wrestling with Wonder

Wincing or convincing?

We wrestle wildly, watching winds.
We fluff our feathers, flap our fins,
And number woes –
God only knows
We fail to find when joy begins.

When wonder waits with every stride,
Why do we dare to be denied?
What vision vies
To catch our eyes,
While we whirl on, fit to be tied?

c2014 by Linda Ann Nickerson 

"And He said, 
'Let me go, for the day breaketh.'
and [Jacob] said, 
'I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me.
(Genesis 32:26, KJV)

Nickers and Ink: Poetry and Humor is participating in the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) again this year. Stop on back, so you don’t miss a single post!


Jacob Wrestling with the Angel of God

by Rembrandt


Limericks and Whim-ericks artwork

created by this user on FlamingText

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page, as well as the Chicago Etiquette Examiner, Madison Holidays Examiner, Equestrian Examiner and Madison Equestrian Examiner on Facebook.


Vanishing ventures

Vertigo’s victim

He’s veering, vexed, into the void –
A journey not to be enjoyed.
The world revolves,
And nerve dissolves,
As vertigo leaves him annoyed.

Thus violated, does he stand,
A-trembling in either hand.
He knows the cause,
But still takes pause,
Preventing tumbles never planned.

c2014 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Nickers and Ink: Poetry and Humor is participating in the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) again this year. Stop on back, so you don’t miss a single post!

Limericks and Whim-ericks artwork
created by this user on FlamingText

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page, as well as the Chicago Etiquette Examiner, Madison Holidays Examiner, Equestrian Examiner and Madison Equestrian Examiner on Facebook.