
Secret Summoning

Maybe sometimes the Creator makes waves to roll our attention in the right direction. Or is it simply because the swells delight Him?

Secret Summoning
A terzanelle of call to tell

A secret sort of summoning,
It rocks me from my tired trail.
A secret sort of summoning,
It’s nature’s calling, all-out wail.
As sand greets water, so I lean.
It rocks me from my tired trail.
Transforming message, ne’er serene,
Sends birds a-flight to whirl away.
As sand meets water, so I lean.
I scarcely sense, but don’t delay
To race the tides before their wave
Sends birds a-flight to whirl away.
A burst of breeze does spirit save.
It chills me so, yet still it dares
To race the tides before their wave.
Somehow I sense the Maker shares
A secret sort of summoning.
It chills me so, yet still it dares –
A secret sort of summoning.
c2016 by Linda Ann Nickerson 

A terzanelle is a poetic form which employs a strict rhyme sequence and the repetition of specific lines. This structure can be tricky to produce, while maintaining appropriate rhythms and sense, but the result can be telling indeed.

This poem was posted in response to these prompts:

31 Days of Poetry and Writing: Write about the most beautiful place Earth has shown you. (21)
Write 31 Days Challenge: What was the last thing you read, heard, or saw that inspired you?  (21)
OctPoWriMo: “nature’s calling” – with “rocks,” “water,” “birds,” “trail,” and “sand” – TERZANELLE POEM (21)

Shoreline photo by LAN/Nickers and Ink Creative Communications,
All rights reserved.
31 Days logo – created by this user,
including public domain artwork.

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.


  1. a lovely terzanelle, Linda Ann :)

  2. This is beautiful and a very interesting poem style with the repeated lines. Have a blessed day. :)

  3. Impressive! I appreciate your including the description of the style. I had no idea there even was such a thing.
