
I is for Insomnia - Rhymed Acrostics A to Z

I is for Insomnia - Rhymed Acrostics A to Z

It’s insane-making when one cannot catch those ever-needed 40 winks. Isn’t it?


It irritates me to no end –
No sleep arrives. No dreams descend.
Stop snoring, sonorific one
Or soporific nights are done.
My temper tromps on its last nerve,
Now nudging, as he does deserve.
I cannot rouse the ratchet jaw.
And so I toss and hem and haw.
c2013 by Linda Ann Nickerson

This entry was created as one of a 26-poem series for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month). You are invited to peruse the entire list! Better yet, sign up to follow or subscribe (free), so you’ll receive notices of new posts.

Snoring Husband
vintage postcard 
public domain

Rhymed Acrostics from A to Z

Created by this user

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  1. "Ratchet Jaw": It almost sounds like you meant to be disparaging!

    Good one! And I'll admit that I had to look up "soporific."

  2. Hello, Linda! Terrific acrostic poem. I remember having to write these in elementary and middle school. I wrote one about the A to Z Challenge for my A post in 2011. Happy National Poetry Month!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  3. I love it! What a great AtoZ theme. I'll be back for more later :)
    Happy A to Z-ing
    Jemima at Jemima's blog

  4. Sheer genius! Loved it. you are so talented.

  5. Oh, my husband has insomnia. It's been a little better lately, but insomnia is also hard on the partner (not to make you feel bad!), but I do feel for him...And you too! Wishing you a good night's rest tonight. :)
