
Exit strategy: A-Z verses from vintage visages

Exit strategy

The blinker’s on. Let’s kick some dust.
We’ve gotta go. We simply must.
I cannot see. Could be the glare.
But I could swear that guy’s a bear.
Our exit strategy’s a bust.

Commuting doesn’t top my list.
And here’s another tricky twist.
That creepy guy there, all alone,
Just pointed at us with his phone.
Click his face too.  I must insist.

Is he a felon, skilled in crime?
A crook, who’d harm you for a dime?
Whatever ill he may have planned,
We’ve no desire to learn firsthand.
Speed on. We’re running out of time.

This street may fright and flabbergast.
It’s grisly here. We’ve been harassed.
Past memories fade,
New nightmares made.
Here comes our exit now. At last!

But wait, he follows us for more.
He’s put his pedal to the floor.
He’s trailing us on every turn,
And down our block, we’re stem to stern.
Whoa. He’s our neighbor, right next door.

But then, we have been wrong before.
c2016 by Linda Ann Nickerson

“There are no mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary in order to learn what we need to learn.” (Richard Bach)

This poem was posted for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo), as well as these prompts:

Daily Post: “street”
The Write Prompts: Bach quote
Mad Kane Humor: “twist”
One-Minute Writer: “safety”
Post a Prompt Tuesday: “pictures” (Genre: horror)
Tuesday at Ten: “past”
Wednesday Weekly Prompts: “memory”

Public domain photo –
 vintage image

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  1. Love the poem and it was so much cuter when I saw the picture!!

  2. So funny. I love the paranoia. Sad but true though. Can we trust anyone these days?

  3. Funny! May your commutes be bear-free.
    @RhondaGilmour from
    Late Blooming Rose
