
Whirled Wide Web: A-Z verses from vintage visages

Whirled Wide Web

What fun we’d all go out and get

Before there was an internet.

No keys to tap, no mice to click –

No online games played super-quick.


No wild tantrums to unfold,

And those that did remained untold.

No need to mask our honest  joy

At  play, our senses to employ.


We’d hop on wheels and leap to tear

Against the wind to double-dare,

Swing willy-nilly to the moon,

Or knot a wrist to some balloon.


Such tender times come with no plug,

Still we have shed them with a shrug.

We wonder why we’re on the brink.

I guess we know. Knock-knock. Wink-wink.

The world to screens did surely shrink.

c2016 by Linda Ann Nickerson

This poem was posted for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo), as well as these prompts:

Public domain photo –
 vintage image

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1 comment:

  1. Such a sad loss.
    Though I am glad my Gkids will not be standing on a wooden seated swing, and lift their feet off to hang on the chains, and have the seat come around and land square on top of their little bleeding head.
    Like THAT could ever happen.
