
R is for Random – Rhymed Acrostics A to Z

R is for Random – Rhymed Acrostics A to Z

Recurring interruptions are the stuff of the working life. Disruptions, irrelevant topics, and last minute emergencies may plague any of us (particularly we who are parents), self-employed or otherwise.

Resolved: The random stuff will get us every time.


Random thoughts may take a toll,
All attentions to control.
Never underestimate the fee –
Dear distractions, nth degree.
Oh, my goodness, lookie here!
My resolve did disappear.
c2013 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Would you like to know how to create an acrostic poem? Check out Easy as A-B-C: How to Write Acrostic Poetry.

This entry was created as one of a 26-poem series for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month). You are invited to peruse the entire list! Better yet, sign up to follow or subscribe (free), so you’ll receive notices of new posts.

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