A Wild Card on
I wonder, with all due respect,
How oft we overlook, neglect.
When troubles trump a dear one’s lot,
We shuffle by without a thought.
Why would we play a few cards shy
While offering just “Hi” and “Bye”?
We wonder: Do we care enough?
Perhaps it’s time we called our bluff.
Intent to help, extend a hand,
We simply do not understand.
Have we forgot just how it felt
To play the cards that we’ve been dealt?
“Be well,” we toss a cheery word,
Not knowing that it sounds absurd.
Despite intentions best begun,
We grab our schedules, turn and run.
And in the mirror, I’m amazed.
I know the ante must be raised.
God help me, when one’s chips are down,
To have a heart and stick around.
c2015 by Linda Ann
Vintage/public domain artwork
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"God help me" indeed.