
A-Z sketches in verse: Kick It Up

Kick it up

Sometimes you gotta let ‘er rip,
Get up and dance, cartwheel, or flip.
This life’s too short to sit and stew,
To nurse our woes or babbles brew.

Though rabble rousers irk and rile,
Just kill ‘em with a certain smile.
Preserving joy and stepping light
Earn vic’tries larger than a fight.

Our dancing feet we much prefer
To gnashing teeth and flying fur.
c2015 by Linda Ann Nickerson

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Nickers and Ink's 500th post - Be sure to check out the archives for more!
Vintage/public domain artwork

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1 comment:

  1. I laughed through this one! Glad you posted it (also, first time visitor for A to Z - glad I visited).

    2015 A to Z Blogger
    Visions of Other Worlds
