
Cramping My Style

As an editor, I have heard just about every excuse a writer might muster:

"The dog ate my manuscript."
"The cat reprogrammed my PC."
"The mouse froze."

As a writer, I have considered many excuses as well. Still, deadlines are deadlines . . .

Cramping My Style
Imagination or Inflammation?

Dear Editor: About that rhyme;
I think I need a bit more time.
It's not a writer's block I face,
I'm concepting at warp-speed pace.

A hardware glitch has got me beat;
I'm squirming in my writing seat.
Ideas keep coming, fast and mean;
I just can't get them on the screen.

My carpal tunnel has gone bad;
Imagination's launching pad.
A typing cramp is in command.
And mouse-tics cripple my right hand.

It's not that I've run out of juice.
My poet's brain is lucid, loose.
I have a million more to write,
And each one will be dynamite.

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1 comment:

  1. This is truly among your best, love it. Wow, impressed by this one and can't help laughing at how accurately you hit on some excuses!
