Naming the Nemesis
(posted for the A to Z Challenge)
The late Howard E. Nelson (1949 – 2011) will be honored today in Southeastern Wisconsin with a memorial service for family and friends. Howard died last week after a valiant four-year battle against cancer.
Howard Nelson
From online obituary
Although I did not know Howard well, I enjoyed visiting with him several times each year at horse shows and at the stables where he bred and kept his pedigreed Thoroughbred racehorses. Howard Nelson was well known and well respected in horse racing and equestrian circles for his good nature and his sportsmanship.
The Midwestern horse world will miss Howard Nelson, who ran the good race and crossed the finish line with boldness and honor.
Godspeed, Howard.
Pondering the passing of this horseman and friend to so many, how can we not struggle with the matter of our own mortality? Do we not all have associates, colleagues, friends and family members who have fallen to the dreaded cancer?
N is for Naming, Nemesis and Nevermore
Naming the Nemesis
(A Rhyming Acrostic)
No nature knows when it may need
Each prayer of purpose to proceed.
Mankind, mere mortals, may intend
Endearing legends to befriend.
Still strikes the savage, sending all
Into a frightful fated fall.
Strength fails in face of cancer’s call.
Each prayer of purpose to proceed.
Mankind, mere mortals, may intend
Endearing legends to befriend.
Still strikes the savage, sending all
Into a frightful fated fall.
Strength fails in face of cancer’s call.
Now nevermore may we declare
Adventure’s boldness thus to bear.
Mistaken though we all may be,
Mistaken though we all may be,
Enduring memories our emcee,
Deliver hope’s own guarantee.
c2011 by Linda Ann Nickerson
Deliver hope’s own guarantee.
c2011 by Linda Ann Nickerson
Howard’s Horses
Photo copyrighted by Linda Ann Nickerson
Nickers and Ink
Great post! I found you on the A-Z challenge!