Poetry, humor and more. Inspirational and informative items. Unless otherwise noted, all items posted here are written and copyrighted by Linda Ann Nickerson. All rights reserved.
"But let all who take refuge in You be glad. Let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your Name may rejoice in You." (Psalm 51:11)
Illogical Ideals and Suppositions of the Seasons
Natters, Smatters, Tatters and Mad Hatters
Just for fun, instead of an actual poem, I thought I'd play along with Friday Fill-ins. The prompts are listed in bold, and my answers are in italics.
1. "In a hole in the ground there lived a hound, who made not a sound."
2. "My togs are a-tatter, but that ain't no matter."
3. "After dark the rain began to fall again, rebathing all the world again."
4. "The bawdy buccaneer was sprung from the hold of the Spanish galleon."
5. "There was a hand in the darkness and a creak in the night. I pulled up the covers and shook from the fright."
6. "Accidents ambush the unsuspecting, and most politicians aren't worth reelecting."
7. And as for the weekend:
Tonight I'm looking forward to hiding, tomorrow my plans include research and writing, and Sunday, I want to go horseback trail riding!
Do any of these one-liners inspire you to write a poem or story? My own mind is buzzing at the thought. Perhaps in April, when many of us will try to post a poem a day!
I invite you to stop by often, as your comments will keep me encouraged and accountable for daily posts in April. If you are participating too, please be sure to leave your own links!
Earth or Mirth
Potential Friends
Posted for a variety of prompts:
Catchwords (quote – below)
Easy Street Prompts (“by degrees”)
One Single Impression (“farewells”)
Simply Snickers (“learn,” “linger” and “look”)
Slice of Life Sunday (“writer’s choice”)
Photo/s posted in response to these prompts:
Camera Critters (photo/s)
Scenic Sunday (photo/s)
Show and Tell Saturdays (photo/s)
Straight Out of the Camera (SOOC Sunday)
Wordless Wednesday (any day – photo/s)
Potential Friends
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”
e e cummings
Photo c2009 by Nickers and Ink. All rights reserved.
Some Limericked Lines on Friendly Canines
Farewells may be taken too fast;
One sniff and we shudder, aghast.
Perhaps by degrees
We’ll share more than fleas,
And foster a friendship to last.
Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.
Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink.
Throughout 2009, please join us at The Heart of a Ready Writer, a Bible reading and devotional blog, as we read through the entire Bible in chronological order.
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Blood Brothers
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