
J is for Jerks - Rhymed Acrostics A to Z

J is for Jerks - Rhymed Acrostics A to Z

Judgmental jousting is seldom justified. Still, sometimes, jabberers may warrant a word.


Just those who are rather ill-bred
Eclipse every word that is said –
Repeating their own,
Kind manners unknown.
Some say they are merely misled.
c2013 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Opening line adapted from a limerick-off contest prompt from Mad Kane.

This entry was created as one of a 26-poem series for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month). You are invited to peruse the entire list! Better yet, sign up to follow or subscribe (free), so you’ll receive notices of new posts.

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Rhymed Acrostics from A to Z
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  1. Ha, made me laugh!

    Blogging A to Z Challenge
